Thursday 1 May 2014

Who is God to you?

This article has been inspired by the latest comments made concerning the missing girls by a Former Aviation Minister and Current Women Leader of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Mrs. Kema Chikwe , she said and I quote her ‘ There is not much we can do than to pray, because prayer is the answer to every problem’. The supposed statement was made at a prayer session held for national security at PDP’s Headquarters in Abuja.

Let me break it down, Kema Chikwe , a former minister in Nigeria famous for looting most of the funds allocated to the aviation sector. She is also a member of the PDP, a party responsible for the current situation we find ourselves in. The party is famous for rigging their way through elections, looting public funds, bloodshed amongst other evil acts that has left the average Nigerian helpless. It is rumoured that they know the forces behind Boko Haram and have decided to keep mute due to selfish interests.

Now, my point is Kema Chikwe and the rest of the PDP gang have the effrontery to come out and say they are praying to God about the missing girls and national security.

How much have we bastardized the name of God in Nigeria?

God has blessed Nigeria with innumerable natural resources, if these had  been effectively managed and used to develop our nation, we will be far ahead of  a country like UAE, but no, all our leaders (past and present)  have decided to ignore the masses and loot the proceeds of these natural resources to stash up foreign accounts for their generations unborn. They have also watched the destruction of the sources of livelihood of the average Nigerian (Casestudy – Oil in the South South) and kept mute due to greed.  In some cases, they get rid of Nigerians that may want to stand in their way of generating income from these natural resources.

 This picture summarises the current state of our nation due to the greed of our leaders.

Yet, these same leaders gather in air-conditioned offices in Abuja and call on God to help with National Security?? Am I dreaming? Which God are the thieving, looting, corrupt, blood shedding PDP politicians calling upon? 

A very good example of my point is Chief, Alao Akala and his wife, I saw these pictures online recently and I nearly fell of my chair. What? Alao Akala who rigged his way into being the Governor of Oyo State, looted public funds in the short time he was there, basically did nothing for Oyo State is here raising up holy hands to worship God??? and his wife?? kneeling to worship God.

Again I ask, which God are these guys calling upon?

But you know what, I don’t blame these guys, Yes! I blame you and I.

Our leaders now know that once they mention the name of God we curl back into our shell and believe everything they say. They know our favourite words are ‘leave it to God’, ‘Let God judge’, ‘only God can do it’ ‘it is well’ etc. They know we prefer to say we are praying than to stand up and fight for our rights , so what have they done? They have joined us in prayers.

To the Leaders of Nigeria and the PDP, what business do you have organizing prayers for National security?

What strategies have you put in place to tackle the issue of security?

·          have you created jobs for unemployed youths?
·          have you paid pensioners their dues ?
·          have you  thought about welfare for unemployed youths and the old that are not fit to work?
·          have you set up policies for the disabled in the society?
·          how about stable electricity to help small businesses?
·          above all, have you stopped looting the funds meant for all Nigerians?

After you have done at least three of the above mentioned, you can then call on God to help. We have enough people praying for the country, please ‘face your work’ which is to lead us aright.

Nigeria is in a hot mess at the moment and the youths are getting angry. You and yours are no longer safe; patience is running out from the veins of the average Nigerian. We need to see what you are doing as leaders of this country; we need to see effective policies and improvements in every area of our lives.

Enough said.

Thanks for reading

Twitter: @triflections

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