Friday 9 May 2014

Can God Dwell In Nigeria?

Following the recent wave of jungle justice that has filled the news this week, I asked myself some critical questions. Will God really want to be associated with Nigeria?

Since God does not associate with evil and only resides where love is found, will he be comfortable dwelling among Nigerians.

Think about all the evil committed in Nigeria, you open the pages of newspapers or check the news online and its one bad news after the other on a daily basis.

  • ·         Jungle justice
  • ·         Kidnapping
  • ·         Ritual activities
  • ·         Corruption
  • ·         Bribery, Fraud, Yahoo Yahoo, 419 etc
  • ·         Breaking the Law
  • ·         Rape
  • ·         Unjust killings
  • ·         Armed robberies
  • ·         Greed
  • ·         Backbiting (even in religious houses)
  • ·         Selfishness
  • ·         Domestic violence ( Spouses, house helps, subordinates)
  • ·         Child trafficking/child abuse
  • ·         Segregation of the poor and the rich
  • ·         Husband and wife snatching (Laughed at this)
  • ·         Bad attitude to work
  • ·         Injustice at work etc.

(Feel free to add more.)

Don’t get me wrong, crime and evil occurs all over the world but it seems we have taken this to a whole new level in our country.  We are ranked 33rd in the list of most corrupt countries in the world (Source), yet we are the most religious. We call  on God, in the morning, in the afternoon and at night to come and dwell among us. DOES THIS MAKE ANY SENSE?

God hates evil, he dwells where there is love. Little wonder all the ‘zillions’ and ‘gazillions’ of prayers being offered concerning Nigeria are not answered.  Even our religious houses are not left out; they are filled with lies and deceits with many leaders out to extort vulnerable members. The amount of sin in the form of sexual immorality and corruption that goes on behind closed doors is enough to make the devil look like a saint.
We need to wake up and start taking stock, what are we doing wrong? Why are there no changes? Our land is infected and God hates uncleanliness.  Either we change our ways as a people or we are likely infuriating God by sending prayers above from an evil environment.

That being said, it all boils down to governance of the country, most of the evil acts are committed as a means of survival or because laws against crimes are not enforced. We need working policies that will take our nation to the next level, working policies that will reduce poverty in the land, working policies that will enforce law and order.

When we cleanse our land from evil, we can then call on God depending on our beliefs, but for now, unfortunately, God is not interested in evil and therefore not interested in Nigeria.

Thanks for reading

Twitter: Triflections

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